Sunday, March 30, 2014


      Revenge is not a story of forgiveness, but one of vengeance and retribution. The story starts with us meeting Emily Thorn, the newest resident of the Hamptons (known for the  most expensive zip code). Emily Thorne endured a tragic childhood (when she was known as Amanda Clarke) losing her father, David Clark. Having been framed for a horrific crime that he did not commit he was sent to prison where he was later killed. His death was instructed in order to keep the truth hidden by the same people who framed him, The Grayson's. However, Amanda is back with a new identity of Emily Thorne to ensure the truth comes to light. She is prepared to take vengeance on the people who murdered her father and ruined her childhood.


     Urban Dictionary define a femme fatale as," A woman with both intelligence and sex appeal that uses these skills to manipulate poor helpless men into doing what she wants. May cause death."
     Emily's main tools for her revenge are manipulation and intelligence. However we know a femme fatale has to use her body and sex appeal in some shape or form in order to be considered a true femme fatale. Emily uses some traditional forms of using her body, but she also uses some nontraditional elements. Since the Hamptons are quite different then the rest of the world, especially on their view of what makes a women sexy and powerful these nontraditional forms of sexy come in to use for Emily. Instead of sexy clothing the men are drawn to poise and class, and instead of her power in her body the power lies in a woman's net worth. Emily eludes these characteristics. Her mannerisms and posture always show such class and power simultaneously.

An example of a femme fatale using traditional skills in order for her gain is shown in Emily's first attempt to get close to the Grayson family by coincidentally meeting the Grayson's oldest son, Daniel, at her first Hampton yacht party.

 Then there is Emily's non traditional ways of using her body to manipulate the Grayson's and keeping her true identity a secret.

There is no doubt that Emily Thorne played by Emily VanCamp is a an attractive sexy woman who uses that attraction for the success of her revenge plan.


     Emily's sole mission is to clear her father's name by seeking revenge on the true criminals who framed her father for their wrong doings. In order to complete such mission she vows to take down everyone and anyone who was involved in the blaming of her father. This list of people who were involved is known as Emily's X list, and she will use whatever measures necessary to complete her mission.



Bill is the wall street hedge fund manager who testified against David Clarke. After Emily shows interest in doing business with Bill Harmon, he logs in to his computer to show off a list of his top investors and their profitable returns. Emily soaks in all the info. She makes it very clear that her pal Nolan Ross  will be merging with a particular phone company At a follow-up meeting, Emily fools Harmon into believing that Nolan’s corporation is merging with a particular cell phone company. Harmon scrambles to get his top clients to invest based on this inside information. The problem is that Nolan is actually merging with the company’s chief competitor. Uh oh. Although he would like to keep this loss a secret from his clients, Emily makes sure that's not the case.
Swiping the confidential phone list from his computer, she makes calls to Harmon’s top dogs to let them know about all the money they lost thanks to the man they trusted with their investments. Harmon the hedge fund king is ruined. Guess that means Emily can officially cross him off her X List.


Tom was the distract attorney who convicted her father of the crime he did not commit. Emily has videos of the now senator being unfaithful to his wife. Not only was he unfaithful, but the woman he cheated with is now pregnant, and email doesn't plan to keep this information to herself. She sends the senator a anonymous email that lets him know she contains this evidence. He advises this mystery woman to get an abortion and even pays for it. however when the pregnant lady walks in as he is giving his speech Emily sends him another email to resign or she will expose him. he does just that and thinks he has gotten away safely; however, Emily sent the videos to the press. Emily expresses that he had the choice to make the right decision , but since he didn't he had to go down.


Mason is the author who wrote a false biography of David Clarke confirming that he did indeed commit the horrible crime. The book made him millions, but it also landed him on Emily's hit list. Mason will be doing a reading of his latest unpublished memoir at the Grayson Manor. Emily encourages mason to come clean of his lies at his reading, but Victoria has enough power over him to make him stick with his tale of lies. Emily breaks into his cabin, and swipes the videotapes of mason's interviews with her father.Then she lights one of Mason’s cigarettes and places it on top of te lone copy of his memoir. The famed biographer returns home to see his cabin, make that his entire life, going up in flames.

He dismissed the only juror who believed David Clarke was an innocent man so Emily exposed him beating his wife.






DANIEL- Tricked Daniel into dating her, but after realizes her love for Jack Porter, her childhood friend, she broke it off only to find Jack falling for her juvy roommate , the real Emily Thorne. Emily once again needed access into the Grayson Manor so she made Daniel fall for her again. the two became engaged and Emily had her final takedown planned to go down on their wedding day.
However when Daniel runs into his old sweetheart, the love boat will soon sink. As Daniel realizes he is still very much in love with Sara Manello he tries to brake things off with Emily, but before he could Emily announces she is "pregnant". This fake pregnancy did just the trick because Daniel puts their brake up to a halt and decide he must marry her due to circumstances.

CONRAD- Conrad has no idea or hint of Emily's true identity. Emily slips him some type of poison that causes him to collapse at a Grayson event. He is taken to the hospital, where Emily's high tech friend Nolan hacks the hospital computer to make Conrad's charts appear to seem that he has Huntington's disease. This shocking news forces him to resign as mayor. These episodes show Emily as a domestic figure because once Conrad is sent home she takes care of him, even giving him his meds which in return gives her a chance to continue giving him poison to make him feel sick. Little does he know she gets much more benefit out of it then he does.

       Although all the people on Em's X list made the choice to plot against David Clarke, the Grayson's were behind every decision using their money, power and status to influence or mandate. The Grayson's will do anything to keep their criminal past a secret, and Emily will do anything to expose them. The story continues to unravel every Sunday night at ten o' clock. Tune in if you want to find out what Emily's next take down is.

accessed 3/27/14
Schmuck. . femme fatale. October 3, 2003. accesses 3/27/14.
domca494. Revenge| 1x01| Pilot| Emily(Amanda)/Daniel| Moments| Love. accessed 3/27/14


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